Recent Audio Book - First Life - Discovering The Connection Between Stars, Cells, and How Life Began

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Be Open To Possibilities

If you're like me, you enjoy acting. We've chosen to focus our acting energy on doing voice-overs, but let's face it - acting is acting - and acting can take many forms.

As an actor, I try to remain open to any other possibilities that may arise. I try to force myself to take the extra step to try something different. If it's a little out of your comfort zone, it's probably worth doing, or at the very least trying. When we stretch ourselves artistically, we grow as actors.

One of my voice-over contacts suggested I audition for a role in a locally directed independent film. The role was that of a radio show host, and much of the movie was being filmed in a radio studio - a place I'm pretty familiar with. Even though I'd never acted on camera before, I figured I'd give it a shot. Fortunately I got the role and had an incredible experience filming. I will admit that having to memorize lines and not being able to look at the script while filming was challenging. As a voice actor, I hadn't realized how different it was not having the copy right in front of me. That piece of paper is almost like a security blanket.

I haven't quit my day job, and voice-overs are still my preferred method of acting, but I'm really glad that I took the chance and expanded my acting horizons. Now, if other on-camera roles come up, you better believe I'm going to take a shot at auditioning. One of my favorite quotes is "you never fail unless you fail to try." Words to live by for those of us in the acting profession.

If you've had any experiences that have led you out of your acting comfort zone, let me know.

Happy Holidays everyone - - and keep talking!
